Friday, May 11, 2012

Transform your life, Revive your heart..

It was the American poet and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, who observed that most people "lead lives of quiet desperation".

Humanly speaking, there is no shortage of reasons for those feelings of desperation. And in the wake of the blaring headlines that remind us every day of shattered dreams, broken promises, economic woes, and international tensions, some people are taking desperate measures to deal with the stress. Hardly a week goes by that we don't read one or more people resorting to horrific violence against others and against themselves.

Countless others, who would not actually pull a trigger, are nonetheless giving in to despair. Many of them try to escape or mask the pain by substituting alcohol, drugs, food, sex, fantasy reading, or improper use of internet for a relationship with the living God.

There is hope in my heart as I sense His hand orchestrating circumstances in lives and in our world, so that self-made, self-reliant people will realize their need and become desperate for Him. I wonder if we could be experiencing the prelude to real revival and spiritual awakening.


Just weeks before the crash, a man named Jeremiah Lanphier had organized a noontime prayer meeting in a small church near Wall Street. In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, with people making money hand over fist, few were interested in stopping to pray during their lunch break. Affluence has never been a friend to grace.

The first prayer meeting took place on September 23, 1857. Two days later , the Bank of Philadelphia failed. On October 10, when the stock market crashed, people's priorities changed radically and virtually overnight. As mass hysteria over the nation's financial situation set in, thousands of people began attending the prayer meetings, desperate for hope and answers. Historians estimate that as many as one million men and women came to faith in Jesus Christ within a matter of months.

I believe that the single greatest thing that qualifies us for a movement of God in our hearts is recognition of our need. As long as we're doing fine on our oown (or think we are), we will never cry out to God for his grace.

Cherish your heart!♥
So let us rejoice in every evidence that God is manifesting Himself to the hearts of his people, that Christ is being exalted, that the Holy Spirit is stirring God's people to seek His face, and that believers are responding to Him in humility, repentance, faith, and obedience. I long to see the fulfillment of His promise that "the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all the flesh shall see it" (Isa. 40:5). May it be so in our day and in the days to come.. Revive your heart♥

Best of Both Worlds.

It is pretty hard to grasp the idea that the “world of grownups” is somewhat pushing neck to neck with the “world of kids”. I remember being 8 or 9 wanting to close my eyes and be 25 already! Little did I know that at the age of 26 I would want to close my eyes and be 9 years old all over again.
We adults seem to be amazed by the unreal, materialistic stuff around us, micro-managing every breath we take, wondering if our fantasies or dreams will ever come true yet we never seem to go after them. Kids on the other hand take a look at the world just as it is, with its beauty, with its faults; they see beauty in a flower, in an inert butterfly, in a cracked floor. They see rivers of morning drops and make boats out of imagination, and what may seems as faults in our eyes become magical mirrors of water in theirs. The “world of kids” looks at the rain because it amazes them; they look at the sun because it caresses them with warmth of love every morning and enjoy these simple things because they’re real yet amazing. They have dreams but unlike us they seem to thrive in making them come true. Infants dream to walk so they hold on to anything to help them make that first step. They dream of grabbing onto that “something” they cannot reach and wait because they know it will be worth it, but while waiting they keep trying until one day they reach it making them victorious. By patience and hope they create new wonders and build surprise each moment. By procrastination and selfishness we build weakness and create emptiness in our lives; if we could only see and feel the rain for a second.
When I say the “our worlds” are pushing neck to neck is not because we are almost the same, on the contrary, it is only and strictly because of the lack of maturity (of which we should be ashamed). But not only do we lack of maturity, we lack of sensibility as well. As one very smart man once said “A person’s maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a
child, at play”, definitely something to think about. The definition of maturity is the state or quality of being fully grown or developed. I on the other hand
think maturity is the ability to control our impulses, to think beyond the moment, and consider how our words and our actions will affect ourselves and others before we act. We adults cannot compete with the power of children, if we are unable to welcome adulthood with instrumental childhood tools: natural ways of learning, honest and pure ways to fulfill dreams and the ability to enjoy life… Just because.

“A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, is one who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

I believe that the key to achieving a greater and higher level of maturity, humility and happiness might just be to be you, no strains attached, no wondering what they might say, nothing made out of plastic around us the “world of grown-ups”. Instead let’s let our dreams and fantasies drive us to get up every morning and be amazed by the drops of the waking day. Let’s look at a flower and see it for what it is, not only for its beautiful colors but for its use, for the valuable meaning it has in the cycle of life. Let’s let the cracks in our faces come out once in a while instead of covering them up with vanity and criticism every day. Let’s hold onto something worth holding on to and throw away the strings of envy and materialism we’ve been grabbing on for so long. Let’s give the gift of expression by giving the gift of example to our children and enjoy seeing our beliefs and ideals take place in their lives for years to come. Let’s let our inner child take over a few times a day, a few times a week and sugar will taste sweeter, rain will be enjoyable and smiles will Laugh Out Loud under the stars; after all, we are the ones teaching our children to grow up.